The Magic Professional Repair Kit : includes the following repair products = (8) - 2oz. bottles of Leather & Vinyl Dye (1)-White, (1)- Black, (1)-Red, (1) Blue, (1)-Green, (1)-Yellow, (1)-Brown, (1)-Violet, (2)- 2oz. bottles of Clear Coats (1)- 2oz. bottle of High Gloss and (1)- 2oz. bottle of Low Luster (flat), (1)- Roll Mesh Sub-patch, (3)- Roll Mini Mesh, (5)- Grain Pads, (1)- Electric Dual Setting Heat Gun 572 F low and 1112 F high degrees, (1)- Dye Spray Unit with mixing jar and lid, (1)- Pallet Knife, (18) -2oz. jars of Colored Fabric Fibers (assorted colors so you can match almost any standard or custom colors on cloth, velour and carpeting etc...), (1)- Tube of Fabric Fiber Base Glue, (1)- 2oz. Bottle of Spray adhesive, (1)- Screened Shaker, (3)- Paint Brushes, (1)-Package of Pipe Cleaners, (1)- Magic Upholstery Repair Manual. Access to our free on-line help pages. NOTE: Fabric fibers are very light in weight, so don't be fooled a 1oz. container can repair between 25-35 holes! A 2oz. bottle of dye can color about 15 rips! Note: Containers may differ from photos, but product will remain the same. We have a few models of heat guns we use in our kits, but the temperatures are the same.